
Effective Online Teaching Strategies

Not that long into the pandemic, I read an article by AJ Julini titled This is Not Online or Distance Learning. In it, he calls what we are currently doing Emergency Remote Learning because it was not planned for.  As we look to the future, so much is uncertain, but chances are, remote learning will […]

Meet Ana Buznego, your new favorite teacher.

First and foremost, the COVID-19 pandemic is a health crisis. In order to address this crisis, many countries have decided to close schools, colleges, and universities. As a result, the pace at which teachers were asked to move their teaching ‘online’ was at an untested and unprecedented scale. For the most part, “traditional” assessments have […]

I’m a Survivor: Coronavirus and the Impact on Learning

‘Work’ from home. ‘Learn’ from home. STAY at home.  We’ve all seen the meme (I counted 6 times in 24 hours):  Many of us have experienced that feeling (one too many times). And as a professor/teacher, I’ve had experiences where class, well, it should’ve/could’ve been online and fortunately, I’ve been doing online classes since 2007 […]

Miami represents at Future of Education Technology Conference

For 40 years, the Future of Education Technology® Conference has gathered the most dynamic and creative education professionals from around the world for an intensive, highly collaborative exploration of new technologies, best practices and pressing issues. Its impact has been felt by thousands of districts, schools, educators — and ultimately students. This year, the conference […]

Miami EdTech hosts close to 50 teachers for their EdXpert Workshop

Edxpert Launches Miami Edtech

On Saturday, July 13th, we hosted close to 50 teachers at our EdXpert Workshop powered by Microsoft aimed at providing Miami-Dade County public school K-12 STEM teachers with computer science based professional development training with a focus on Title I schools and those scoring low in Teacher Professional Development. We covered topics ranging from Computational […]

Microsoft awards $125,000 to Miami EdTech

The EdXpert, powered by Microsoft program provides Miami-Dade County public school K-12 STEM teachers with computer science based professional development opportunities, and focuses on Title I schools and those scoring low in Teacher Professional Development. EdXpert, powered by Microsoft is a “train-the-trainer” program which builds capacity for teachers to deliver computer science and technology-enabled lessons […]

Computer Science Teachers Association Launches in Miami!

CSTA Miami

With over 25,000 members from more than 145 countries, The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) is a membership organization that supports and promotes the teaching of computer science. We’re excited to announce our partnership and leadership in the launch of the CSTA Miami Chapter! What does CSTA do?  CSTA provides opportunities for K–12 teachers and […]

New Keynote Features Allow for Endless Creativity

One of my favorite things about having 1:1 iPads at my school is that there are so many opportunities for students to create. Over the course of the year, they use GarageBand to make raps about science and iMovie to produce environmental PSAs (among many other things). Now, with new Keynote features, students can even […]

New Year, New You? New Edtech Tools to Try!

The New Year can bring new resolutions both personally and professionally. If you are a classroom teacher, is one of your resolutions to try out some new technology? One of my education heroes, Jennifer Gonzalez, of Cult of Pedagogy, wrote a blog post to give us some guidance (because I must not be the only […]

Computer science – pushing women out?

I came across this article by Melinda Gates and couldn’t believe what I had just read: “Computer science is one of very few professional fields where the proportion of women has actually been going down. In 1985, women made up 37% of computer science graduates, a high-water mark that still fell well short of gender parity. […]
